
We at at MCSBPC want our blind campers and staff to have the best experience possible at the camps
for the blind.
We take them to places like Hanson Hills tubing, Challenge Mountain Skiing, and Snowmobiling, The
Adventist Historical Village, The old Rugged Cross Museum, and to visit the Amish in Mio and
Vesterburg Michigan and riding the trails on tandem bikes.
And our Lord wants us to have an experience higher than the highest human thought!
Below is an article I read in the Tagliches
Manna a daily devotional put out by The Plain Precepts Publication.

We have been at the dinner he was talking about.
II Samuel 11 - Wednesday, March 5 - Our Eyes

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to
the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve
God and mammon. —Matthew 6:24

Recently, my wife and I were invited to eat a meal with ten blind people. How thankful we can be for the
sight God gave us! "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body
shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the
light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!" (Matthew 6:22-23). Can we understand
what Jesus meant by, "if thine eye be single"?
Notice that the opposite term is evil. Our eyes should not be used for evil purposes. God gave us eyes
to serve for our good, and our main focus should be on salvation of the soul. The most necessary
things in life are faith and trust in Jesus and obedience to His teachings.

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee"
(Isaiah 26:3). If our mind is staying on God and His righteousness, then we cannot follow after the
works of the flesh and any other sin. Psalm 119:18 reads, "Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold
wonderous things out of thy law." Reading the Word of God should edify our lives.
Perhaps our eyes have more influence over us than any other member of our body. For this reason we
should continually thank God for our eyesight.
Eyesight is also one way the world observes the Christian witness of believers. Years ago some Plain
People went to a city to conduct church services for *1-W boys. A man from general society came up
to them on the sidewalk. He inquired about their faith. One of the plain men began smoking, and the
man asked, "Do you allow that?" They admitted that some of that habit was amongst them.
The man walked away saying, "Your faith does not mean anything to me!"

*1-W was an alternative program for conscientious objectors to war.

Delbert Schmucker - Mio, Mi
Thank God for your eyes!

Michigan Community Services for the Blind and Physically Challenged
812 Academy Rd
Holly, Michigan 48442
If you care to support our camps
Mail a check to the address above or go online or
Thank so much for your help.
Larry Hubbell

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